
Branding & Campaigns

Spokescharacter Campaign

Project Info Industry B2B Software Date 2016 Role Character designs , art direction on costume design Project Description Company spokescharacter “Ernie” was developed to represent the people-centric culture of the company. It was first used on websites to represent a friendly support staff, and was later used to help build the brand internally with a…

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Company Brand Guidelines

Project Info Industry B2B Technology Tools used Adobe InDesign Year 2016-2021 Role Strategist, Creative Director, Template Designer Project Description Developed brand guidelines that detail all the unifying elements used throughout dozens of types of assets.  “Everything talks” in this brand scheme, meaning all the elements and assets have subtle connections that talk together yet offering…

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Manufacturing Company Logo Design

Project Info Industry Tool Manufacturing Year 2001 Enter label Enter value Tools CorelDRAW Project Description Established Posi Lock’s brand identity and developed identity standards handbook Implemented advertising campaign ensuring proper brand image and successfully increased brand awareness and sales through direct-response design Independently designed various print materials for sales department and company operations departments